For Thanksgiving 2011 we went to Midland to visit my grandparents. It was a much needed break after dealing with a horrible lice infestation in Piper's hair the week before, we needed to get out of the house while all the lice suffocated inside trash bags in our house. We dropped Bash off in Lubbock to spend the week with his mom. We had a few days in Midland with Gram and Gramps to ourselves before my uncles and their families came to hang out.
We took the girls to the park by my grandparents house. I have so many memories of going to this park everytime we visit Midland.

Cam is happy to be swinging

Pouty face

Me and my girls

Hanging like a monkey

Crawling through the tunnel

Climbing on the caterpillar

Swinging like superman

We also took the girls to feed the ducks at the pond on A street, another childhood memory.

Happy girl

With daddy

Gramps loved holding Cam and she sure enjoyed being in his comfy lap.

Squirmy girl

Don't they have the same facial expression?! :)

Piper with her cousin Kelsey. She had a great time with all her cousins and is still talking about all of them, although she has a special spot for Garrett and he is so sweet with her.

Waiting for the food to be ready

In the kitchen with Gram
Of course I always feel like I didn't get enough pictures to document the fun we had, but we so loved being in Midland and having our kids spend time with their relatives, plus we sure enjoyed some good food from Gram and Aunt Brenda :)
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