Monday, March 23, 2009

The past month of our busy lives

One month left - (Well I wrote this awhile ago and was going to try and put pictures with it, Chris promised to help, but he's been so busy so I'm posting without pics. Sorry, but's there more of an update at the end)

So we have exactly one month until our little baby arrives. (or maybe more maybe less). Here's an update on how we've been preparing.

My sweet friends Meredith, Karen, Rikki, and Amy threw me a baby shower. My mom was able to come in for it. Afterwards she helped us get the nursery ready. We've been taking our childbirth classes at the hospital, three more left. This past week school threw us a shower. We have truly been blessed by all the gifts and ways people have helped us prepare for her arrival.

This past week we had the dreaded TAKS test at school, but a friend helped me give the test and did all the monitoring so I wasn't on my feet too much. I am starting to feel the toll of pregnancy on my body. I'm very tired all the time and moving pretty slow. My hands, feet, and ankles all have minimal swelling. A couple people have said that I've started to drop. All I know is that I didn't think my belly could get this big, the human body is amazing! I've also discovered a new vericose vein - ugh! I need to put my feet up more, but in one week we have Spring Break. I plan on resting a lot and taking it easy, but I also need to finish my lesson plans for maternity leave. I've been making copies for the rest of the school year. Whew! I'll be glad when it's all ready and I won't have to worry about school anymore.

Bash is coming for spring break. It'll be so good to see him. He and Chris are planning on playing a lot of golf. We're also going to celebrate his birthday while he's here. We also celebrated Chris' 36th birthday this past week. It was a week late, but we went to a date night cooking class at Central Market. It was super fun! We learned a lot and got to eat GREAT food. It's something we'd love to do again.

Ok - update - my ankles are now HUGE, Chris would say they are officially cankles. So depressing! And to go with the vericose veins I have found 3 stretch marks. But truly this pregnancy has been easy and a joy, I just can't wait for this little girl to be here. We have two weeks left now! Our doctor appointments are on Tuesdays so we go tomorrow to see if there is any progress towards labor, I hope so. We had a great spring break with Sebashtian. He and Chris played golf every day and then Chris traveled to Lubbock to watch one of Bash's basketball games. They had a great time. Chris also did some housework - fresh paint in the upstairs closets. He's been wonderful lately helping with laundry, cooking, and grocery shopping. I know I've been a little trying this last month, but he's been so supportive. I am truly blessed with such a caring, understanding husband. I've finished my lesson plans and copies for school for the rest of the school year! Yippee! It's an amazing feat because I hardly ever have a week ahead planned even though I've been teaching for 5 years. And we're making it through our current masters courses. The next class starts the week the baby is due, I'm going to try my best to complete the course because Chris is in the same course so he thinks we can help each other, I think he'll be helping me with the assignments.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I loved getting all caught up on the past month!!! I'm so excited for you guys and what is coming up in your lives!!! Can't wait to meet sweet Baby Girl!!!! Sounds like you're in that stage of, "just get her out of me!" :)

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