Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cam tries cereal

At four months our Campbell isn't so little anymore. She's gotten quite chubby! She can also roll over from her tummy to her back. She scoots around on both her tummy and her back. She has started spending time in her exersaucer and loves it! She really likes standing up. In the evenings she gets really vocal telling us all about her day. She likes reading books with Piper and being outside.

What a sweet sleeping baby!

All snuggly next to Daddy

She gets about halfway over from her back to her tummy and then quits, not realizing that she's about to roll over (or not caring.)

She also loves sitting up - in the bumbo, the stroller, with the boppy. She's been hearing all the action go on around her and now she wants to see it.

After her four month check-up we started cereal. It is definitely helping her sleep at night.

Here's her 4 month picture in the chair.

She weighs 13 lbs. 10 oz. (50%) and is 23 1/2 inches long (30%).

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