Tuesday, May 3, 2011

easter weekend

Piper sure had a fun easter weekend and she knows how to hunt for eggs. Friday Joyce had her easter party at daycare and Piper cleaned up on eggs. On Sunday we went up to Wichita Falls to see my grandparents and uncle's family. Piper had a great time with her cousins. Pictures with captions are below. I've made lots of blog updates recently so you can click on the months on the top right of the blog if you are interested in catching up on our family. I'm hoping my next post is announcing that the baby is here, but we'll see. 2 weeks left - yea! So excited to meet this little girl!

With Gram and Gramps, cousin Garrett, and the girl cousins - Kelsey and Molly. Piper was so smitten with Garrett.

Probably our last picture of just the three of us.

hunting eggs, she even found some that the big kids missed

All the kids at Ms. Joyce's, including Macey, Foster, and Melanie

She wanted to pick up four eggs before stopping to put them in her basket

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