Monday, April 19, 2010

D.I. and the Bluebonnets

This weekend Bash was in town for the State Destination Imagination competition. His team from Lubbock qualified in February and we were so glad the state competition was here in Dallas. His team did a great job even though they didn't place. It was great to see Bash perform. He also had a fun time at the team mixer trading pins with teams from the rest of the state.

Last week we also took Piper to a pretty bluebonnets spot for pictures in her dress from Mimi. Piper felt more sure of the grass in our yard than being by all the bluebonnets, but oh well.

She wouldn't let me put her down so Chris had to do his best to capture pictures without me in them.
Also we had Piper's 1 year old doctor visist. She is 19 lbs. 10 oz., 29 inches tall, and keeping right on her growth track. We are starting to experience some tantrums, that don't last long but we are afraid it may mean staying home for awhile because in public she wants freedom and doesn't understand safety. Even with the tantrums, she is still the sweetest little girl and we love her so much. She has brought so much joy to our lives and continually makes us smile with her energy, explorations, and noises.

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