Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Fall/Happy Halloween

It's been a busy fall with two visits to the pumpkin patch, trick or treating at the arboretum, and fun times with family. On one trip to the pumpkin patch we were with our friends the Downings who are back from Tulsa. Yea! Piper and Sally had fun exploring the pumpkins.

Our other trip to the pumpkin patch was with our small group. Piper and Mackenzie followed the big boys around. Piper really likes to sit on top of pumpkins for some reason. She also got her head stuck in the bars on the window of the play house, after laughing at her I quickly pushed her head back through which she didn't like but I made sure we weren't really stuck.

With mommy

Enjoying the view with Kaleb on top of the dads shoulders.

We were so dusty when we came home we all had to wash our feet. Piper helped Daddy.

The day before Halloween we went out to the arboretum with the Downings to enjoy pumpkin village. Piper followed or chased after Sally the whole afternoon. It was so cute to hear her calling "Sally." The girls wore their costumes, Sally was Minnie Mouse and Piper was a fairy.

Crawling on top of pumpkins

It felt like we saw more of the girls backs all day as they kept running off to enjoy something new.

The one and only sitting posed picture with both girls semi-looking at the camera out of the 100+ taken. :)

Piper actually fed a goat and let it eat out of her hand at the petting zoo. This is the closest she's ever gotten to an animal's face/mouth. I couldn't believe she did it.

Say cheese!

Enjoying a popcorn snack with Daddy.

On Halloween night we started out sitting on the sidewalk handing out candy til Piper got the idea of trick-or-treating. Then she was willing to put on her costume and get her bag. We went to four houses and then came home, she only said "trick-or-treat" for Daddy at the last house. Then we came inside and she continued to stuff her bag with candy from the bowl.

We ended the night with a bedtime story from Daddy.

Just had to sneak this picture in too. Piper playing with her new favorite toy, a stuffed lambie she calls "mimi."

Our First Home

Our First Home