Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Bash is here!
Bash arrived on Saturday and we've put him straight to work. After a fun round of golf with Dad, he helped attack the yard which has unfortunately become overgrown with weeds and dandelions. They raked the leaves (front yard) and he did an excellent job of mowing while Chris fertilized. They are quite a team and now our yard doesn't look quite so bad. Here's the fruits of his labor - 
Crazy November
Why do the months with holidays always seem crazy? November (and a few weeks before that) has been busy. Here's a quick update -
A visit from Grammy and Pops at the end of Oct.

A trip to the Pumpkin Patch on Halloween day
These pictures are her 7 month pics because I forgot this month to take pics with her lamb chair. Oops! And I realize that next week will be 8 months, but better late than never trying to record her accomplishments each month. I do have a goal of making her a real baby book on Spring Break when I'm done with masters classes and I hope it becomes a reality although I realize that this blog may end up being her baby book.
It has been a month full of milestones - Piper has mastered sitting up alone, is crawling, is pulling up and walking along furniture, and saying ma-ma. I chose to believe that she knows I'm ma-ma and says it when she's talking to me and Chris lets me believe this so we're happy.

For Halloween - we got a puppy!
This was in the school book parade.
Our puppy can sit, roll over, speak, attack, and play dead.
We invited Piper's birthday buddy Sally over and Piper played rough. She didn't understand why Sally didn't like it when Piper crawled up her back. We're going to have to work on her social skills with babies since she's the youngest at daycare and the other kids think she's so cute they let her get away with being rough and scratching.

Chris and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary. Woohoo! Chris got me these beautiful flowers which are a replica of my wedding bouquet. Thanks Robin and Rachel at Cymbidium.
We were fortunate to be able to go on two dates to celebrate. We had a great time and did a good job of not focusing on the little cutie we left at home.
A trip to the Pumpkin Patch on Halloween day
Chris and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary. Woohoo! Chris got me these beautiful flowers which are a replica of my wedding bouquet. Thanks Robin and Rachel at Cymbidium.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Just Too Cute
Let me start this post by saying that there are so many cute pictures of Piper, too many to put all in her 6 month post that I have made many new posts. I stayed up past midnight, I hope I don't regret it tomorrow, but I pretend that there are many readers of this blog (or just obligated family members) so please scroll down and read all the new posts.
Just lounging in the bouncy chair. Most days she is not this calm in this chair. If she drops her toy she will lean over to get it almost flipping out of the chair if it weren't for the safety strap and the balance designed legs we would have had an accident by now. We also put Piper in this chair to keep her bowels moving. The vibration button is great.
You have to click on this picture and zoom in to check out her crazy hair. These curls go all over the place, except where she has bald spots. New growth is coming, but I think the fact that she lays down for the majority of her day is stunting her hair growth. Usually when we pick her up from daycare they are tight little ringlets, I guess she sweats a lot over there or it's really humid there. Other times we have major frizz. In the back it gets so matted and then just sticks straight out in knots. Chris is really good at getting the knots out. We have tried baby oil and this Dove curl product, but neither really work at making the hair curl and not frizz or tangle. If anyone has any suggestions we're open.
Girl pajama party - my mom sent Piper and I matching pj's to wear the weekend Chris had a boys golf weekend.
Oh the tongue - starting solid foods has really brought out her attitude. She makes it very clear now when she's happy or mad, if she likes what you're doing or she doesn't. I know we've been very blessed to have had such an easy, happy baby, but I hope this personality isn't a sign of what's to come.
Yum - Socks!
Piper is currently fascinated with her socks and loves to pull them off and stuff them in her mouth. She is just crazy sometimes!
Uck - fuzz in the mouth
What are you looking at?
This look reminds me of my dog Colby when she's snatch a sock. Piper doesn't seem to care at all that we're watching her put a sock in her mouth. Many times she stuffs it so far in her mouth that she gags. We have used it as a distractor when changing her diaper, which was the case when these pics were took. Hope she doesn't hate us later for these naked baby shots.
Western Festival
A few weeks ago we went to the Western Festival in old downtown Lewisville. It was on the last hot day of fall, we were sweating out there, but we had such a great time. Chris dragged us out of the house leaving behind chores, studying, and school work to have some quality family time. His main attraction was the Los Lonely Boys performance, that we missed because we were so hot we couldn't stay outside any longer, but we enjoyed fresh squeezed lemonade, corn dogs, and wearing our sunglasses. Also we found the perfect piece of art for our entryway. Sorry I don't have a picture, but it's a rusted old cross on a glazed frame. It's really cool and just perfect for the space.
Moving Around
Piper has started moving around and Chris and I have to be very careful where we put her or things. She can grab stuff of the table and when she sees a toy she wants so can get it.
Here she is on all fours. She rocks back and forth like she's revving up to go, but as soon as she lifts a hand her knees slide out from under her and she ends up on her belly. She's getting a little better at lifting one hand and then lunging before landing on her belly. She does this 3-4 times to get across the floor and retrieve the desired toy. Chris said she did one crawl this weekend, of course it was while I was in the other room, so I'm sure we'll soon be posting about her crawling once we've both witnessed the miracle with our own two eyes.
Piper is so cute when she naps now. She is always flipping over to her stomach or side. She moves all around the crib while she sleeps. When she wakes up and you walk in to get her so slaps the mattress and pops her head up. It is so fun to go get her up. The not fun part, although it's a good thing, is that she really doesn't like to be rocked to sleep anymore. She fights you like she's a baby alligator, twisting and turning, arching her head and back, moaning and squirming, until you lay her down and then she rolls over, settles herself and falls asleep.
6 months old
Piper is 6 months old, actually 6 and 1/2 months as I type this, but it doesn't matter. At her appt. she was 15 lbs. 1.5 oz (25%) for weight, 25 and 3/4 inches for length (45%), and 42.25 cm head circumference (40%). She's moving out of the 25% in some categories, but people always comment on what a petite little girl she is. She is so much fun these days, rolling everywhere, scooting on her belly to get whatever she wants, rocking and trying real hard to crawl, loving paper and ripping it to pieces, laughing and giggling, playing peek-a-boo, making the B sound and blowing spit/food all over the place, settling herself down and going to sleep, trying to wave to people, and just being all around super cute. She has gotten her first fever. This past week at daycare they had a picnic on Monday and Piper was sneezing really bad so we thought maybe it was allergies. The sneezing lead to runny nose and congestion and a 99.3 fever on Tuesday which we thought might still be allergies or teething. Wed. morning was the same story, but Wed. night the fever spiked to 102. I gave her two doses of tylenol that night and when we went to the doctor on Thursday the fever was all gone. He ran a flu test just to be sure, but it came back negative. Each day Piper had very little appetite, was super fussy, and very clingy for me. On Saturday I noticed a sharp little corner of her bottom left front tooth has poked through. So who knows what the reason was for the fever, but we're all better.
Our pictures with the lamb chair weren't that great this month as Piper really wanted to look at the lamb not the camera.
Pumpkin Carving Party
We hosted a Pumpkin Carving Party with our small group the first weekend in October. It was a perfect fall night and we had so much fun with everyone. The guys with their pumpkins
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